
À prupositu di Wiktionary

E' pussibili contribuì a lu diziunariu corsu ancu inserendi parauli in corsu-gadduresu (a fiancu di li sinonimi di la Corsica Suprana e di lu Suttanacciu)? -- 17:33, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

  • Sì, hè pussibili fà lu ma devi inserì e paraule in gadduresu in a parte "Traduzzione" incù l'altre lingue. Par esempiu vedi e pagine "ghjacaru" è "nevi". Grazie. Saluti. --Sarvaturi 11:54, 22 ferraghju 2008 (UTC)

Proposal for closure[mudificà]

This wiktionary has been nominated for closure, see here nl:Gebruiker:Jcwf 13:24, 5 aprile 2008 (UTC)

  • Hello Jcwf, thank you very much for informing us about this proposal for closing. I ever answered on the same page (and obviously I am strongly opposed to this closing). I don't know why Meta keeps this proposal open: there are only two persons who want to close this Corsican wiktionary project and there are 7 persons who do not want to close it. I think that this proposal should be closed now. Best regards. :-) --Sarvaturi 12:14, 8 aprile 2008 (UTC)